MUG Business

MUG Business

There are several menu items available under MUG (Mac User Group) Business that can help you use your membership more effectively.

When and Where is a page describing when and where the MacinTech User Group meets each month. This page includes a map to our location.

Email Subscriptions is a page providing forms for subscribing and unsubscribing from the MacinTech email subscription. Please, remember to unsubscribe from your old email address before changing email addresses.

Contact Us provides a contact form for feedback or comments.

Membership provides dues information for those wishes to join MacinTech, and a description of membership benefits. A button leading to a password request, provides information for members only concerning special offers from Apple and other vendors. The password and ID required to access this special information changes occasionally, and is published in the newsletter.

Officers is a page listing current officers and a short resume for each.

History contains a short history of the MacinTech User Group, going back to its origins in the 1980s.