When & Where

Where & When

MacinTech meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6 PM at the Metrum Credit Union building located at 6980 S. Holly Circle in Centennial. See the map below.

Each meeting begins with “First Half Hour.” From 6 PM until 6:30 PM, we will have a group of people talking about questions they may have and solutions they need. Other people with similar experiences try to help and find solutions. If you have a problem you would like to discuss during first hour, please try to email Marriott Smart at [email protected] a couple of days before the meeting, so she can try and find someone with similar experiences to help you.

The main presentation(s) starts at 6:30 PM. The meetings end about 9 PM.

MacinTech meets at the Metrum Credit Union, located at 6980 S. Holly Circle, Centennial, CO 80112. The arrow on our Google map indicates the building is in the middle of Holly St. Actually, the Metrum building is about 200 feet east of the arrow, on the south side of Holly Circle. The Metrum parking lot is the second parking lot on the right side of Holly Circle as you turn from Holly St. The meeting room is located on the side of Metrum nearest Holly Circle.

The Metrum Credit Union building is just east of Holly St. at the south end of Holly Circle on the south side of the street.

From the North:
Go to the intersection of Arapahoe road and Holly St., and proceed south on Holly. Go about 1/3 mile, and take the second left turn onto Holly Circle

From the South:
From the intersection of Dry Creek Road and Holly Street, take Holly north. Go about 0.6 mile and turn right on Holly Circle.